

Today I started to feel my most problematic muscles - hooray!!! It means my body understands what I want from it and follows my desire :)

发布者 TheoryOfSex

Video Transcription

Hello to everyone! Julia Virs is here and naked workout with me is continuing

and today is 8th day of my naked workout which helps to make my body just amazing

Do you like it? Yes? Yeah? And I like it too

I want to remind everyone to join the ****theluriofsex.club because there you can discuss sex

You can learn a lot about sex. You can learn about my theluriofsex, rules of sex, metrics of sex

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Also very soon you will get there services to improve your sex life

And also of course you can meet other people to meet with them in real life to have real sex

And of course there you can discuss about sex in the forum

In the forum a lot of topics, quite interesting. If you cannot find there something interesting for you

please let me know in the messages. My account there is juliavirs, of course as usual

You can message me that you are interested in this topic and I will add this forum in the forum

and you can start discussion. So let's do our sex life better together

Today we must continue our trainings and most of my exercises will be on the floor

So for this of course first I launch my application which I use right now

but later of course I will use different application which will be mine

And I move my camera down to make proper camera angle


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  • 09:46